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Textiles withstand force of implosion

Geosynthetics, Products | April 1, 2009 | By:

[Controlled Demolition Inc.] Phoenix, Md., U.S.A.

[Sabre Demolition Corp.] Warners, N.Y., U.S.A.

Textiles that are tough enough for road building can also withstand the force of an imploding building—even one as massive as the RCA Dome in Indianapolis, Ind. Sabre Demolition Corp. wrapped three floors of the stadium’s concrete columns with a Tencate Mirafi (43 300-foot rolls in two weights) to safely contain debris within the footprint of the building. Controlled Demolition Inc. (CDI), who designed the plan for the project, discovered that geotextiles are useful in protecting surrounding buildings from explosion debris. The Indianapolis Colts’ former home was demolished in December 2008 to make way for a new commercial development.

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