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Small Business Health Options Program to help businesses

Management | June 1, 2008 | By:

The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP), introduced by senators Durbin, Snowe, Lincoln and Coleman, is designed to help small businesses that now employ about 13.5 million workers who are uninsured. Key elements of the legislation: It would provide small businesses with tax credits to help them afford premium costs; help control costs by offering nationwide plans and creating new risk pools that allow trade associations to act as navigators for their members; and protect businesses from skyrocketing premium increases by changing the way companies are rated by insurers.

“We have been working on this issue for many years and we have continued to see our members’ health care costs go up and the availability of coverage go down,” said John McClelland, vice president for government affairs, American Rental Association (ARA). “We need a solution to the health care crisis in small business, and commend the sponsors of SHOP, and will work with them to move this bill through the legislative process.”

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