Tree stump sculptures made from fabric

September 1, 2018  |  Projects

The inspiration for artist Tamara Kostianovsky’s fabric sculptures comes from an unlikely place. As a young girl, she worked in a surgeon’s office where she encountered the human body in ways most of us never do, seeing the world beneath the skin—veins, ligaments, muscles and chunks of fat. Th…
Textile-based robots

September 1, 2018  |  Advanced Textiles, Markets

A Harvard collaboration develops soft, wearable robotics for hands. Soft, wearable robotics is an emerging field that looks at methods of enabling functional, powered support to assist human movements using lightweight, low-profile and flexible materials such as textiles. A diverse team of researche…
Breath/ng sculpture absorbs air pollution

September 1, 2018  |  Projects

Milan Design Week is the ultimate destination in the world of design. The city is transformed into a showcase for hundreds of artists, designers and brands to present their creative best. For this year’s show held in April, the organizers challenged the industry to incorporate innovation and susta…
Harold Warner and Dynamic Air Shelters develop larger and tougher inflatable structures

September 1, 2018  |  Features, Perspective

“I love the word resilience,” says Harold Warner, majority owner and president of Dynamic Air Shelters in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. “Whether you’re operating on a physical plane or a psychological plane, resilience enables you to deflect danger and harm. What our company has done is exp…
Performance clothing for astronauts

September 1, 2018  |  Projects

Performance clothing made of fabrics with cooling technology is readily available today. But how would similar fabrics function in space? That’s what a team of researchers wants to know, and they are working to get answers on the International Space Station (ISS). There, German ESA astronaut Dr. A…