LiveSmart Performance fabric covers seats in UNC Smith Center

February 1, 2022  |  Swatches

When UNC Chapel Hill Athletic Director Bubba Cunningham, mentioned that it bothered him to see how dirty the seats were in the university’s Dean Smith Center, Iv Culp, president and CEO of Culp, Inc., had a solution.
MIT creates weavable battery

February 1, 2022  |  Swatches

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a rechargeable lithium-ion battery in the form of an ultra-long fiber that could be woven into fabrics. The battery could enable a wide variety of wearable electronic devices and might even be used to make 3D-printed batteries i…
Texon and Umbro team up

February 1, 2022  |  Swatches

Texon, a leader in performance fabrics and structural components for the footwear industry, announced it is working with Umbro, the global sports brand, on a world first in the design and manufacture of European football (soccer) boots. As part of a new collaboration, Umbro is integrating ProWeave i…
Ralph Lauren will let customers dye their own clothing

February 1, 2022  |  Swatches

Ralph Lauren is bringing DIY to a new level by putting part of its production process in the hands of customers. The fashion company, known for its iconic polos, revealed its flagship stores will be equipped with new textile-coloring technology that could potentially let shoppers dye shirts in-store…
Clothing made from human hair

February 1, 2022  |  Swatches

Industrious knitters have been spinning dog and cat hair into yarn for many years. But what about human hair? Amsterdam-based designer Zsofia Kollar had asked that same question before founding the Human Material Loop and making clothes out of human hair.
Urban Factory

February 1, 2022  |  Swatches

Denim Forward, Inc. (DenimFWD) has opened what it calls the world’s first “Urban Factory,” bringing textile production back to the United States.