Geosynthetics companies navigate the infrastructure law
April 1st, 2024
The Indiana Department of Transportation installs Petromat® Enviro™ on a section of Interstate 70 to provide a full pavement moisture barrier and stress absorption layer. Image: Solmax The $1.2 trillion bipartisan InfrastructureInvestment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was passed more than two years ago to invest in America’s crumbling infrastructure, providing funding to rebuild roads and […]
Safe travels: Airports zone in on geosynthetics
August 31st, 2023
The existing concrete runway was “rubble-ized” and reused below the new runway at Toronto Pearson Airport, saving time and carbon emissions. Photo: Tensar Airport runways are not the same as roads. They need to be built smoother and stronger to support the loads of jet planes without buckling under the weight, which is no small […]
Managing urban water issues with geosynthetics
November 1st, 2018
As more land is lost to urban sprawl, and managing stormwater and wastewater runoff from hard-surface pavements has become a growing necessity, green infrastructure strategies are front and center in the minds of city planners, engineers and others focused on environmental and quality-of-life issues. Green infrastructure (GI) is a sustainable, low-cost and environmentally friendly approach […]
Engineered geosynthetics offer riverbank erosion protection
March 1st, 2018
The Río La Antigua flows through a low-lying region in the Mexican state of Veracruz, which has the historical importance of being one of the first regions where Hernán Cortés landed in the early 1500s. The Casa de Cortés is a popular tourist attraction, and the village of La Antigua has significant historical importance; as […]
Geofoam solves construction challenges
January 1st, 2018
High atop Hidden Peak, lightweight geofoam solves construction challenges the easy way. All projects have challenges, purpose and meaning, yet some projects mean a lot more to owners than others. It takes a visionary to leave a legacy, and Richard Bass, founder of Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort in Utah, fit the bill. Bass is […]
Bob Koerner has devoted more than 40 years to geosynthetics industry
October 1st, 2016
When Dr. Robert M. Koerner talks about geosynthetics, the cadence of his speech quickens and the passion behind his words suggests that geotextiles, geosynthetic clay liners, geomembranes and geogrids (to name a few) could quite possibly be the most exciting materials civil engineers have at their disposal. As a leader in the field of geosynthetics, […]