
IFAI Expo: 1940-1949

April 1st, 2020

THIS AWNING INDUSTRY —YOURS AND MINE by R. M. Schofield, Sales Manager, Cotton Goods Division, Glen Raven Cotton Mills, New York About 12 years ago I recall a survey which was conducted along certain sections of the East coast. The survey consisted of picking certain residential areas and asking each home owner one question: “Have […]

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Future History: IFAI Expo 1940-1949

March 1st, 2020

Substitute awnings and Their Effect on the Industry An Address Given by J. J. O’Connor, Our First Vice President, at the Recent Roanoke Convention In the year just past, the world was shocked by the collapse of France in just four weeks, and the whole world started expressing fear. In our own industry we felt […]

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