Biodegradable fabric for disposable PPE
July 1st, 2021
EcoGuard material is a domestically produced, eco-friendly fabric developed for use in personal protective equipment, specifically disposable medical isolation gowns. This material contains an additive that helps it biodegrade up to 99 percent faster than typical polypropylene gown material. An additive in the material accelerates the biodegradation process to approximately six years, reducing the CO2 […]
Designing functional PPE
July 1st, 2020
For PPE that is both effective and comfortable—and more likely to be worn regularly and properly—consider a systems engineering approach to design. by Sigrid Tornquist Perhaps never before has the acronym “PPE” been so much a part of the common vernacular. In the days of COVID-19, few are unfamiliar with the term. However, PPE—personal protective […]
The work of protecting humans just got more important
May 1st, 2020
Suddenly, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has become a hot commodity and an often- heard phrase on the lips of government officials, members of the media and the general public. But IFAI member companies and the textile industry at large have always known that the purpose of fabrics has been to […]
Market watch: The specialty fabrics industry responds to COVID-19
May 1st, 2020
By Elisa Bernick, Sammi Jones, Jill C. Lafferty, Galynn Nordstrom, Rebecca J. Post and Janet Preus The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented, with the textile industry playing a key role. Suppliers and end product manufacturers have pivoted at lightning speed to produce much-needed PPE for front-line medical workers. IFAI members are reaching […]
Protecting professionals with slash-resistant clothing
September 1st, 2019
Slash-resistant clothing can reduce the risk of knife injuries and lacerations, keeping frontline professionals safer. By Robert Kaiser Throughout history, people have protected themselves with specially designed and constructed garments. From furs and chain mail to leather, metals and high-tech fabric, human beings have creatively employed a range of materials to protect against injury and […]
New smart fabrics and protective gear innovations keep first responders safer
December 1st, 2018
First responders—from firefighters to law enforcement to emergency medical services technicians—need to be ready to handle any situation they encounter, and they need the appropriate gear to respond quickly to emergencies. Responders draw on their experience to make sound decisions in the chaos of a crime or accident scene, or in the heat of a […]
Fabric performance tested and approved
February 1st, 2018
That we live in a litigious society is evident to anyone who has spent even a little time in front of the television, where commercials touting the services of personal injury or product failure attorneys are pervasive reminders about how precarious life can be. Consumers have become ever more demanding in their expectations of what […]