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Textile Roofs 2020 postponed to October

Industry News | April 28, 2020 | By:

The 25th anniversary of the International Workshop on Design and Practical Realization of Architectural Membrane Structures—Textile Roofs 2020—has been postponed because of the COVID-19 crisis. The new dates are Oct. 8-10, 2020, and the location, Archenhold Observatory in Berlin, Germany, remains the same.

This year’s event is programmed to combine its traditional workshop and educational formats with several anniversary celebrations.

Mornings will focus on business networking opportunities and keynote speeches on varied topics: the development and functionality of membrane structures in city planning and Smart City ideas, as well as physical properties, new design approaches and structural engineering solutions. After a provided lunch, practical workshop sessions will take attendees through the entire process of creating a membrane structure: computational modeling, cutting and welding, mantling and erecting. More anniversary celebrations are scheduled for the evenings, including good food and good conversation.

For architects and builders, designers and manufacturers, engineers, scientists, state officers and everyone working in the field of membrane architecture and structural engineering, please visit for information on participating in the show as a partner, delegate or attendee.

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