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Specialty Fabrics Review
Features trend information, innovations, new industry opportunities, applications and more!

Specialty Fabrics Review Buyer's Guide
List your products in this comprehensive directory of suppliers spanning the entire supply chain.

Technical content on practical geosynthetics applications that specifiers, engineers, landscape architects, government agencies, academics and more rely on.

Geosynthetics Specifier's Guide
List your products in this indispensable industry guide for specifying geosynthetic products, applications and services.

Marine Fabricator
Highlights valuable craftsmanship techniques and how-to information to help readers build successful marine fabrication enterprises.

Marine Fabricator Buyer's Guide
List your products in the marine fabric craftsman’s complete print and online sourcing tool.

Reports the need to-know information for tent rental professionals/event planners.

InTents Buyer’s Guide
List your products and services in the source that tent rental professionals/event planners turn to when making purchasing decisions.

Fabric Architecture
Spotlights case studies, market trends and news about the fabric architecture industry.

Fabric Architecture Specifier's Guide
List your products and fabric specification tables in this exclusive guide used to help architects, designers and fabricators find and specify materials.

Textile Technology Source
Provides timely, relevant and interactive content for the burgeoning technical textiles industry.

This Month in Textiles
Offers a monthly update on everything happening in the world of textiles.

Advanced Textiles Expo®
Get updates on The leading show in the textiles industry! Advanced Textiles Expo is the industrial fabrics industry’s flagship show.

Geosynthetics Conference
Stay united within the geosynthetics industry with news from this conference which features a show floor, short courses, plenary sessions, roundtables and more!

Marine Fabricators Conference
Learn about this conference featuring three full days of education and networking designed to help you improve your efficiency and increase your revenue.

Marine Fabricators Association Regional Workshops
Receive updates about these marine events coming to a region near you!

Tent Expo
Stay up to date about this event featuring tent displays, exhibits, seminars, hands-on education and networking.

Tent Conference
Hear from this conference featuring a robust education schedule designed to help grow your business, make new connections and access the industry’s suppliers.

Women in Textiles Summit
Learn about this summit featuring education, networking and dialogue about important issues affecting women in business.

Outlook® Conference
Receive updates from this conference which features the latest on the industrial fabrics industry. For U.S. Manufacturers only.

International Achievement Awards
Enter these awards representing accomplishments in the design and manufacture of specialty fabrics end products.

Marine Fabricators Association Fabrication Excellence Awards
Showcase your projects that represent the breadth of the marine industry.
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