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Bostik premiers new film blown production line

Company News, News | August 6, 2021 | By:

Bostik, a global adhesive specialist for industrial, construction and consumer industries, has announced the opening of its new, multilayer, film blown line in Petersburg, Va., for durable goods markets following its recent acquisition of Prochimir, a technical films company.

Able to produce thermoplastic films comprised of one to five layers with extensive widths of up to 160 inches and 250µm thickness, the new line enables U.S. customers to receive locally produced products with simplified logistics, enhanced supply security and reduced lead time.

The high-performance, versatile films, based on EVA, polyolefin, polyester, polyamide and TPU technologies, also provide multi-functionality, making it easy for customers to bond dissimilar substrates together and incorporate barriers, such as waterproofing, into their manufacturing applications.

The opening of the new line in Petersburg, VA comes after Bostik announced that it was aiming to increase its share of the global thermobonding and durable goods market following the expansion of its specialty hot melts product offering.

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