The Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) has announced Ullhas Nimkar CCol FDSC as its new President, heralding a new push to advance sustainability standards for the industry.
The chairman and managing director of NimkarTek Technical Services, based in Mumbai, has been a member of the SDC for 35 years. Taking over from John Hansford, Nimkar aims to help the society and the wider sector address ecological and regulatory issues.
NimkarTek provides analytical testing services to stakeholders in the textile and apparel supply chain and is supporting brands in in their ambitious goal of Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC).
Commenting on his exciting new role, announced at the SDC’s AGM in Bradford UK and online, Nimkar says: “I am very honored to be elected president of the Society, a scientific body that has been the key education provider globally, over the years, for our sector.
“During my term, I will endeavor to further the mission of SDC to ensure the Society remains contemporary and relevant.
“The coloration industry faces many challenges when it comes to sustainability, as well as issues in the regulatory landscape. Together, we will need to think out of the box, and innovate, to address these problems — and the SDC has a big role to play.”
Nimkar, who will spend a year in office, was a member of the board of trustees for the SDC between 2014 and 2016, and instrumental in starting the SDC India region, serving as treasurer, secretary, and chairman.
He holds Chartered Colourist and Fellowship of the SDC status, and was a founding Trustee of the SDC Education Charity in India. Ullhas also a fellow of the Textile Association of India.
Chief Executive of the SDC, Dr. Graham Clayton, says: “We are delighted to welcome Ullhas as our new President. Ullhas has always been deeply involved with ecological aspects and chemical restrictions in the textile and leather industries and their regulations.
“This provides him with an ideal background for this pivotal role at a time when sustainability has never been so important to our sector.
“Ullhas leads by example. He has enjoyed success in the industry because of his vision, his passion, his work ethic, and his dedication towards the textile, chemical, and coloration industry.”