IFAI announced the six winners of the fifth annual Show Stopper Program at IFAI Expo 2016 in Charlotte, N.C. The competition showcased the best of the best in the industry, from advanced equipment and tools to innovative fabrics with the latest technological advances. Entries were submitted by IFAI Expo 2016 exhibitors and displayed on the show floor. A committee of industry specialists selected the winners in each category. This year, IFAI received 78 entries from 43 different companies.
Ultra-Fresh DM-25 / Thomson Research Associates
Broad spectrum antimicrobial treatment is designed to protect against odors, staining and degradation caused by microbial contamination in susceptible materials. A more environmentally-friendly option than arsenic or other heavy metal antimicrobial offerings, treated goods demonstrate excellent activity in the ASTM G-21 and Pink Stain Test (ASTM E 1428-99). www.ultra-fresh.com
CadShot Mobile / Autometrix Inc.
Allows a phone or tablet to take a picture and, with PatternSmith software, process it into a complete CAD pattern with an accuracy of 1/16 of an inch or better. Notches are automatically recognized, geometry is fit with curves and splines and the pattern will be optimized for machine cutting. www.autometrix.com
Electromagnetic Shield Zipper / YKK (U.S.A.) Inc.— Tape Craft Corp.
Made with a tape containing a mixture of stainless and aramid fiber, this zipper is used for applications such as aerospace products, medical device and military equipment, which all require an open-closure system and need to be able to reduce an electromagnetic field. www.ykknorthamerica.com
Fenetex Adjustable Tracks for Retractable Vinyl Screen / Fenetex
The two-part tracks have a stainless steel spring to adjust the screen tension with a hidden set screw. Designed for serviceability and long life, every moving part can be removed even if the screen is built into a wall. End users can have a completely weather sealed outdoor space with tracks that can be adjusted for seasonal changes to the fabric’s properties. www.fenetex.com
EIA/KEE Geomembrane Coated Fabric / EPT
The product’s 120-inch width helps lower fabrication and seaming costs by reducing the number of seams required to fabricate larger panels. Formulated with enhanced UV protection, it contains hydrocarbons and a variety of acids and chemicals and is resistant to -25 degrees (F) and 225 degrees (F) temperatures. Fabric reinforcement provides high tear properties and puncture and breaking strength. www.epttech.com
Research, Development, Testing and Certification / Hohenstein Institute America
The Hohenstein Institute is an accredited test lab and research institute. Its work involves testing and the certification of textiles, research and development in the field of textile products and applications. It offers education courses and programs aimed at industry, dealing with all issues throughout the textiles production chain. www.hohenstein.com