What do you get when you mix a highly functional outdoor blanket with a puffy jacket? How about a blanket that is fashionable enough to wear as a wrap, yet practical enough to keep you warm and cozy in all kinds of conditions?
That’s the idea behind the Puffy Kachula, a new design from Coalatree, a sustainable outdoor gear company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Extremely adaptable, the Puffy Kachula can be used as a blanket, pillow, poncho and lightweight sleeping bag. It is made of 100 percent recycled ripstop nylon and Primaloft® synthetic down, and features a water-repellent coating that causes water and other moisture to bead right off. The coating is applied using Chemical Vapor Deposition technology that eliminates the use of harmful solvents and leaves a thinner layer of finish for a softer look and feel.
A number of features give the 50-inch-by-72-inch blanket extra versatility. A hideaway hood turns it into a poncho to wear on the go; an integrated snap system enables multiple blankets to be connected together or folded and snapped to make a sleeping bag; and the Puffy Kachula can be stuffed into its own pocket to be used as a pillow.
With a strong commitment to sustainability, Coalatree manufactures its products in factories that are bluesign®-approved, ensuring that goods are made with the most eco-friendly textile solutions. For more information, visit www.coalatree.com.