Devan’s allergen control technology, known as Purissimo™, has been found effective against allergens from pollen. The technology had already been proven to significantly reduce the amount of allergens from house dust mites and pets.
Purissimo is a natural allergen control technology that is based on encapsulated probiotics, which are naturally occurring microorganisms similar in kind found in probiotic yogurt, tempeh and kombucha. Inactive probiotics (spores) are encapsulated and integrated onto the textiles. Friction opens the microcapsules and releases the spores. The spores absorb humidity and self-activate. They are transformed into probiotic bacteria that start to consume the allergens.
On Tuesday, March 23, Devan will elaborate on the technology in a webinar titled ‘Functionalizing textiles for post-vaccination consumers: Hygiene, sustainability & a natural approach’ during Home Textiles Week (a virtual NY Home Fashions Market).
For more information, visit