Fiber optic and fiber-device scientists in the laboratories of the University of Central Florida (UCF) have developed an innovative textile that changes color and appearance on demand. The scientists believe that their ChroMorphous technology is a first in e-textiles, as older versions of color-changing fabrics need sunlight or body heat to work.
The fibers in the product contain a conductive microwire; when the fiber warms up slightly, its color-changing pigment is activated. The fabric does not emit light; rather, the pigment in the fabric physically changes color. Patterns are determined by the number of fiber groups connected in the fabric. A combination of groups can be activated at once or dynamically controlled to create one pattern followed by another. While current prototypes contain ChroMorphous fibers in the weft, future products will have these fibers in the warp and weft, which will enable both vertical and horizontal stripes at the same time as well as the possibility for other patterns.
A collaboration of four companies—Chameleon International, Hills Inc., Inman Mills and WETESO—is commercializing the product. Photo: ChroMorphous