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TruRain tester uses just 1% of the water because of recirculating unit

Swatches | October 1, 2023 | By:

The TruRain instrument (second from right) uses only 1% of the water that a typical Bundesmann tester does because the machine recirculates it.
The TruRain instrument (second from right) uses only 1% of the water that a typical Bundesmann tester does because the machine recirculates it. Photo: James Heal

Reducing water and energy use in textile manufacturing is top of mind in the industry, and the new water repellency tester from James Heal aims to make a difference there. 

The key is that TruRain recirculates the water it uses, saving considerable resources. It uses 23 liters (6 gallons) in a week of conducting 150 tests, whereas any other machine performing 150 Bundesmann tests would use 2,100 liters (555 gallons). This assumes both are following the ISO 9865 rain shower test standard, which specifies the gallons per hour flow rate. Having the recirculation unit allows the use of just 1% of the water compared to a typical test. 

The equipment has 300 evenly distributed nozzles to test fabrics for surface water repellency and resistance to water absorption and penetration. Tests can be run for a week continuously, without changing the water. This saves operational time, as no one has to refill the machine. The company says that it uses 83% less energy over an eight-hour workday. 

James Heal was established in 1872 in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England. The brand became part of the PPT Group UK Ltd. in 2014.

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