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IFF Innovation Award entries due June 6

Industry News | April 2, 2015 | By:

Winners will be featured at IFAI Expo 2015

Presented annually by the Industrial Fabrics Foundation (IFF), the Innovation Award aims to encourage companies around the globe to not only develop fresh, creative ideas, but to make them happen. Companies within every market segment of the specialty fabrics industry are invited to submit their stories of transforming an innovative concept to an inspired product.

Products and processes entered must be distinctive from other products currently manufactured or processes in use; benefit the specialty fabrics industry or consumer; and be practical and cost-effective, and available for the market but not have been entered in any previous IFF Innovation Award contest or in any other competition.

There are six categories, with one winner selected in each: Fabrics, fibers and films; Chemicals, coatings and compounds; Hardware, findings and accessories; Equipment and tools; Services to manufacturers; and End Products.

Entry forms are due June 6 and can be found on IFAI’s website. There is a $5,000 top prize, in addition to recognition in IFAI publications and at IFAI Expo.

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