A Government Textiles Committee of the National Textile Association (NTA) has adopted objectives to increase purchases of domestic textiles in U.S. government agencies. The seven objectives are:
- Work with agencies, Congress and the Administration on matters related to textile and textile product purchases in government agencies;
- Suggest improvements in government business practices regarding textile procurement;
- Maintain a liaison with the Department of Defense (DoD) to support supply needs in an effective and timely manner;
- Assist the government in updating specifications, purchase documents, test methods and other technical issues;
- Maintain the Berry Amendment and its “Buy American” provisions for DoD;
- Maintain relationships with other federal and state agencies that purchase clothing and textiles, such as the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Postal Service and Javits-Wagner-O’Day Program organizations; and
- Develop opportunities for supplying textiles and textile products to foreign governments and agencies, when appropriate.
Read more about NTA’s statement of objectives at www.nationaltextile.org