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Cubes wrapped for kids

Graphics | September 1, 2009 | By:

Avery Dennison Graphics & Reflective Products Division donated more than 7,000 square feet of MPI 2120 Matte Permanent vinyl to the 2009 Destination ImagiNation Global Finals at the University of Tennessee, May 20–23.

The conference hosted more than 1,000 teams of elementary- and middle-school-age children from around the globe, who participated in problem-solving challenges that promote teamwork, creative thinking and personal fitness.

Grafix Solutions in Sayreville, N.J., printed graphics on MPI 2120 vinyl and wrapped 125 individual cubes that were used in the “Power Cube Challenge,” part of the Global Finals closing ceremony. Teams of children from across the world assembled the 15- foot by 15-foot by 15-foot puzzle cubes for the Global Finals National Dairy Council’s “Fuel Up” Challenge.

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