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Q&A with Stewart and Ross Brown

News | April 1, 2015 | By:

By Sigrid Tornquist

Q: In addition to manufacturing medical items, Brown Sales Corp. makes products for a broad range of industries, for clients that range from entrepreneurial individuals to publicly traded companies. Where do you draw the line as far as the types of products you will consider manufacturing?

A: We get a lot of requests and inquiries from individuals and companies across the board. We’ve learned to steer away from the very low budget items because unless you’re just looking for something to keep people busy, even if you made thousands of an item you’re burning up a lot of people hours for very little profit. —Stewart

Q: How does implementing new systems generate leverage and prepare companies for growth?

A: Having the right systems in place saves time, which results in more productivity. It’s critical from a growth standpoint to do this, because at some point if you don’t have systems in place you will hit a ceiling of growth. For example, our database systems allow us to easily keep track of customers’ information that may only require our services once a year. That frees up our brains for thinking and creative problem-solving as opposed to remembering and tracking information. —Ross

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