Awnings, tents, shade sails, marine upholstery, protective gear, furniture: regardless of the end product, the fabric needs to perform in harsh conditions while looking good, keeping the planet green and fitting into a client’s budget. For our two-part annual showcase, we asked contributors to send us information about their latest high-performance textiles. We’ve organized the information into performance categories, and Part 1 is included in this issue. In the May issue, Part 2 of the showcase will cover water repellence; sustainability; flame retardance and fire resistance; printability; health, safety and protective; and activewear applications.
This issue includes fabrics that emphasize:
• Durability
• Strength
• Versatility
• UV protection
• Performance Upholstery
To view the 2021 Specialty Fabric Showcase, visit
Part 2 of the 2021 Specialty Fabrics Showcase will be featured in the May issue.