{Pacific Domes} Ashland, Ore., U.S.A.
Pacific Domes created a custom, 24-foot portable geodesic event dome tent for a five-city tour promoting Gatorade Tiger Thirst Quencher. The client wanted the dome to photo-realistically look like the moon to coordinate with the Tiger Woods commercial where Woods drives a golf ball off the moon. The client also needed a dark interior for operating a golf simulator inside for the Gatorade Tiger Moonshot Challenge. Because of the faceted surface of the dome, mapping the moon graphic onto it was complex and difficult. A successful result was achieved using Pacific Domes’ porous and translucent Event Lite fabric, digitally printed using dye sublimation, with an added liner to ensure blackout conditions for daytime use. The cover also incorporated a full graphic logo wrap. The dome was first installed in San Diego, Calif.