Deciding to buy or lease equipment

November 1, 2007  |  Features, Graphics

The advantages of buying or leasing major equipment purchases. By Vince Cahill When a business owner makes a capital equipment purchase, the decision to buy or lease may be as complicated as selecting which piece of equipment to buy. Some owners prefer to pay cash and would not miss the liquidity th…
The ins & outs of outdoor fabrics

November 1, 2007  |  Features, Graphics

Advances in fabric engineering and improvements in digital imaging technologies are catalysts for growth. By John Evans The use and application of outdoor fabrics for graphics applications has expanded at what some have called a mind-boggling rate over the last several years. There are a number of r…
Printed awnings get customers in the door

November 1, 2007  |  Features, Graphics

Printed awnings can portray an image, communicate a message, or create a mood. By Lou Dzierzak Although awnings have welcomed consumers through the doors of America’s small businesses since the Civil War, recent advancements in inks, fabrics, installation techniques, and graphics have created …
Choosing the right color to communicate your message

November 1, 2007  |  Graphics

Use color to communicate your message. By Marti Naughton Pick a color, any color. Now, think about that color and what it means to you. Is it powerful? Energizing? Soothing? Refreshing? Welcoming? Dependable? Color is universally understood and is a critical design element for graphics, especially t…
Fabric Images participates in the evolution of exhibits

November 1, 2007  |  Graphics

By Jill C. Lafferty Patrick Hayes had spent years working in the marching band market when he saw both his future and the future of exhibits: using the very products he was selling—banners and flagpoles—to create exhibits for trade shows. But the fabric printing industry had a way to go …
Working with seams for outdoor applications

November 1, 2007  |  Graphics

How do you work with seams when applying graphics to an outdoor fabric? On vinyl We either paint or apply vinyl decal on vinyl fabric. We are careful to make sure we get over the stitches or against the bar seal as tight as possible with either process, using the applied vinyl as a decal … <d…
Good writing is the key for effective case studies

November 1, 2007  |  Graphics

By Heidi Strand Casablanca. The Godfather. Citizen Kane. All of these classic, top-ranked movies have the same thing in common: superior plots. Their scripts flow effortlessly from beginning to end, with the bulk of the plot filled with enough problems, drama, and action to pack a punch and pique in…
Companies implement sustainable practices

July 1, 2007  |  Graphics

By Lou Dzierzak The Oscar-winning documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” has brought environmental issues into the forefront of international debate. Behind the scenes, company by company, and project by project, the printing industry is addressing its impact on Mother Nature. Juan Hernan…
Printed kites promote theme park anniversary celebration

July 1, 2007  |  Graphics

By Lou Dzierzak The event. An anniversary celebration at the DisneySea resort in Tokyo, Japan, needed carefully coordinated promotion materials. The company. In addition to creating high performance fabric kites, Kiteman Productions in Kissimmee, Fla. is a show performance company. Kiteman manages s…
Proper equipment positioning increases shop efficiency

July 1, 2007  |  Features, Graphics

Workflow demystified: From start to finish. By Vince Cahill Like other manufacturers, printers of textiles want to see jobs moving smoothly and quickly in a steady stream through their facilities, with only interruptions for scheduled preventive maintenance. When an operation can efficiently move ma…