Awning business succession: An in-and-out approach

January 14, 2025  |  Awnings & Canopies, Business

The awning business offers enough challenges to keep you growing, consistency you can plan around, and is rewarding enough to keep you fulfilled.
The four C’s of workforce development

October 11, 2024  |  Business

Workforce development as defined is a multifaceted approach that encompasses programs, policies and initiatives designed to enhance individuals’ skills and knowledge, enabling them to thrive in their respective fields. While workforce development is a problem that all businesses face, more spe…
An introduction to the PAMA board

June 18, 2024  |  Awnings & Canopies, Business

Professional Awning Manufacturers Association is thrilled to be part of the ATA’s Awning and Shade Newsletter as we will be writing about pertinent industry topics on a quarterly basis. Our goal is to provide a collective voice discussing things that we believe are important for our industry, fro…
Keys to preventive maintenance

January 1, 2023  |  Business

Don’t you hate it when things don’t work in the warehouse? You jump on the forklift, ready to unload a 40-foot trailer, and the battery is dead. As you are cursing your misfortune, you grab the pallet jack and the hydraulic pump is shot. The thoughts of creeks and paddles are now dancing through…
Implementing CRM systems

December 1, 2022  |  Business

Most businesses use a few different software packages. Email and calendars are typically bundled together in services like Gmail and Outlook. Documents are typically handled with Microsoft Word and arrays of data with Excel.
Developing your team

October 1, 2022  |  Business

All the business owners I work with want to surround themselves with better people. Having a solid team of highly skilled individuals with differing strengths will ultimately make running a business easier. It’s really satisfying when you don’t have to worry about every aspect of your operation.…
The Four Crucial Habits of Successful Salespeople Part Two

June 1, 2022  |  Business, Markets

The R-S-P-F Sales Formula™ focuses on four measurable and repeatable habits, traits and processes that all salespeople must be proficient in, and that all sales leaders must monitor closely. Part One of this series outlined the first two crucial habits: Research and Scheduling. But that is only pa…
The Four Crucial Habits of Successful Salespeople Part One

April 1, 2022  |  Business

I regularly get asked what the most important factor is that contributes to building and managing successful sales teams. While there are many contributing factors, the most critical is engaged sales leaders who proactively identify the four bad habits that impede a salesperson’s ability to effici…