Hemp offers new growth opportunities

February 1, 2023  |  Markets, Product Trends

Hemp fiber is gaining traction for its medicinal and industrial applications. How far this industry has progressed is a curiosity for stakeholders such as the public, agriculture and textile sectors. The need for sustainable raw materials to combat global warming and protect the environment has kind…
The challenge of innovating

January 1, 2023  |  Advanced Textiles, Markets

Manufacturing to scale is arguably the most significant challenge facing the smart materials and wearable technology industries—and it’s not just desirable, but essential for growth and survival. Without full commercialization, the drive for new developments and research is in jeopardy. There is…
Nothing to hide

January 1, 2023  |  Markets

Empty shelves and rising prices are constant reminders of the many challenges and disruptions that continue to plague the complex supply chains that span the globe. But supply chain transparency is moving to the fore, with consumers and regulators paying ever more attention to where products are sou…
Toward standardization for e-textiles

November 1, 2022  |  Advanced Textiles, Markets

As the e-textiles industry continues to grow, it will be essential to have consensus-based international standards to support the industry to ensure reliability of materials and products and best practices used in design and manufacturing. 
Striving for sustainability

November 1, 2022  |  Markets

As public awareness of the importance of sustainability grows, there’s no doubt that fabricators are becoming greener. But it’s also becoming obvious that there are many different routes to the same destination.
Fabric shades create comfort, protection

November 1, 2022  |  Markets, Product Trends

Cool, comfortable shade is easy to underestimate and hard to ignore when it’s not available. Bill Moore saw an opportunity in the fabric shade business when he moved from New England to California in the early 2000s. “I was struck by how much good space was going unused, due to the sun.”
Safer on the job

October 1, 2022  |  Advanced Textiles, Markets

A safe, clean and pollution-free workplace is important in offering a quality of life for a labor force, which also enhances worker productivity. But there can be multiple risk factors in a work environment, including mechanical or electrical hazards, extreme heat or cold, toxic chemicals, noise and…
They’ve got it covered

October 1, 2022  |  Markets, Product Trends

Although much of the country experienced a heat wave this summer, just as sure as morning follows night, cold weather will soon be upon us.
ATA podcast celebrates one year

September 1, 2022  |  Markets

Want to learn more about what’s happening in the textiles industry? Just tune in to Talking Textiles, a series of free podcasts available online on Apple, Google, Spotify and Libsyn and at textiles.org/podcast/. The first show was posted online on September 8, 2021. New shows appear the third week…
Recycling tarps & covers

September 1, 2022  |  Markets

For several years now, there has been growing interest in the tarps and covers industry in becoming more eco-friendly—and in recycling in particular. However, when it came time to actually implement recycling programs, action lagged behind words. “To date, I am not seeing much focus on the recyc…