The true value of awnings

January 1, 2009  |  Awnings & Canopies, Features

To remain relevant and profitable in a tough economy, awning manufacturers, distributors and retailers need to promote the palpable benefits of awnings. By Holly O’Dell As their bank accounts shrink, consumers are carefully examining every purchase and balking at what they view as an unnecessa…
Technologies meet demand for digitally printed fabric products

January 1, 2009  |  Business, Features, Graphics

As the digital fabric printing industry matures, the machines are faster, the inks are more vibrant, and the most important color in the spectrum is green. By Janice Kleinschmidt The marketing phrase “new and improved” has been slapped on every kind of product at one time or another, wit…
Partnerships and subcontracting benefit businesses

January 1, 2009  |  Features, Graphics, Marketing, Tents

Partnerships and subcontracting offer opportunities and solutions. By Janet Preus It’s not so complicated: there are certain things your company does very well, and there are other things that could be done more expediently by someone else. It could be a matter of expertise, time available, or…
Burak cuts labor costs to improve business

January 1, 2009  |  Awnings & Canopies, Features, Management, Marketing, Perspective

Ed Burak improves the bottom line by shaving time off labor costs. By Sigrid Tornquist “The greatest expense for our business is the labor—shaving time off labor is key to our success,” says Ed Burak, president of Hudson Awning and Sign Co. Inc. in Bayonne, N.J. Burak, who runs the company wit…
Entering the sports and entertainment market for printed fabric projects

January 1, 2009  |  Features, Graphics

Entertainment and sports offer opportunities for those on top of their game. By Barb Ernster Tapping the entertainment and sports market for printed fabric projects is less about who you know and more about having a can-do attitude that delivers quality product on time. Backdrops, stage drapery, lar…
Connecting printed fabrics and hardware

January 1, 2009  |  Features, Graphics

Installation hardware is part of the package print shops now offer. By Lou Dzierzak There’s a symbiotic relationship between printed fabrics and the hardware used to display those colorful materials. Neither element can truly succeed without the expected performance of the other. Imagine the d…
PVC breeds controversy in industrial fabrics industry

January 1, 2009  |  Features, Graphics

Can vinyl fit in a green world? By Janice Kleinschmidt Poor Waldo Semon. Today the inventor would no doubt fly his private jet to his private island, where he would entertain VIPs in just about any industry you could name. But in 1926, when the B.F. Goodrich Co. researcher devised polyvinyl chloride…
Narrow fabrics manufacturers use technology to innovate

December 1, 2008  |  Advanced Textiles, Business, Features

The future is high-tech if you’re planning to stay ahead of the game. By Jamie Swedberg There’s nothing particularly predator-like about narrow fabrics designers and manufacturers. By and large, they’re helpful folks, always working with their clients to create webbings and ropes w…
The benefits of entering the global marketplace

December 1, 2008  |  Features, Marketing, Markets

As the world shrinks, businesses can capitalize on widening their pool of customers. By Janice Kleinschmidt If we needed proof that we’re in an economic environment where lines on a map lose significance, September and October delivered. Though perhaps first to the trough, the United States he…