Changing the markets—and the marketing—of custom fabric graphics
February 1st, 2019
The company’s founders could never have imagined the products that Art Display Company is making for its customers today. Back in 1947, when the Maryland sign shop began printing business signage, awnings were cotton canvas, neon signs were cutting-edge technology and everything from painting to sewing was done by hand. Today, the company produces a […]
Women’s work: challenges and rewards in the specialty fabrics industry
January 1st, 2019
Since the earliest days of civilization, women have sewn garments, constructed the tents they called home, and woven the textiles that made life more comfortable and defined distinctive cultures. Over the millennia, textiles produced by women have been essential to life and enterprise. As industrialization made these goods profitable, however, the textile world became a […]
Seeing is believing: make sure your website and social media strategies are smart, engaging, informative, and visually appealing
November 1st, 2018
Perhaps your company relies on good old-fashioned word-of-mouth publicity and steers clear of social media. Maybe your marketing efforts emphasize trade shows and real-world connections, quite successfully, rather than online communications. But you did just update your website … five years ago. Things have changed. Now your customers all have a phone in their hands, […]
Fachada Foro Chiapas has a tensile fabric façade that invites spectators
April 1st, 2018
An iconic new performance space in southern Mexico demonstrates the ability of tensile fabrics to make a cultural statement—and thrill an audience. The power of suggestion is one of an architect’s most eloquent tools. With a meaningful combination of shape and material, a design can meet physical expectations as well as create the suggestion of […]