Michael König plans the next move

March 1, 2013  |  Features, Perspective

Michael König focuses on business planning and growth—every week. By Sigrid Tornquist “You have to know where you’re going in business. You have to have a plan,” says Michael König, president of OFPANZ, New Zealand’s branch of IFAI; and owner and president of Sunshade Group NZ Ltd., inco…
Fred Tracy brings creative solutions

February 1, 2013  |  Features, Graphics, Management, Perspective, Tents

Fred Tracy brings creative solutions to his work in the tent industry. By Sigrid Tornquist Change is our company strategy,” says Fred Tracy, owner of Fred’s Tents and Canopies Inc., Stillwater, N.Y. “You can’t be like a horse in a harness race, with blinders on—you have to keep your eyes o…
Kevin Kelly turns process to profit

January 1, 2013  |  Awnings & Canopies, Features, Management, Perspective

Kevin Kelly increases productivity by implementing forecasting, planning and process strategies. By Sigrid Tornquist “Once we started opening our eyes to process, we were really able to take a big leap forward in productivity,” says Kevin Kelly, MFC, IFM, CPP, president of Globe Canvas Products …
Marc Shellshear puts shade expertise and management skills to work

December 1, 2012  |  Awnings & Canopies, Features, Management, Perspective

Nicknamed Dr. Shade, Marc Shellshear is an employee who thinks like a business owner—putting shade expertise and management skills to work. By Sigrid Tornquist “If you can’t put yourself in the shoes of the person speaking you’re not going to understand what they want,” says Marc Shellshea…
Wm. J. Mills & Co. grows through the generations

November 1, 2012  |  Awnings & Canopies, Features, Management, Perspective

A three-generational take on the Wm. J. Mills & Co. family business. By Sigrid Tornquist As IFAI celebrates its 100th anniversary, it’s clear that the association is only as strong as its members. For more than 100 years, many current member companies have been shaping their businesses, the as…
Gary Barnes solves customer problems—and creates opportunities

October 1, 2012  |  Awnings & Canopies, Features, Management, Perspective

Gary Barnes taps into tenacity and creativity to solve customer problems. By Sigrid Tornquist “In the Navy when the ship’s underway and there’s a problem, you can’t just say ‘I’ve got a headache and I’ve got to go home.’ You’ve got to do something,” says Gary Barnes, MFC, CDR, US…
Amit Kapoor finds solutions with integrated technology

September 1, 2012  |  Advanced Textiles, Features, Management, Perspective

Amit Kapoor applies integrated technology to meet the needs of first responders. By Sigrid Tornquist “I think the best ideas come when you’re sitting with clients away from a work environment, having a beer or lunch, and asking, ‘How’s everything going?’” says Amit Kapoor, president of F…
Jeri Perillo turns walk-in requests into revenue

August 1, 2012  |  Features, Management, Marine, Perspective

Jeri Perillo has had her share of odd walk-in requests—followed by growing revenue streams. By Sigrid Tornquist “The relationships we’ve built that have resulted in revenue streams weren’t something we went looking for; they came to us,” says Jeri Perillo, president of Custom Canvas of Cha…
Gary Buermann finds a better way to do business

July 1, 2012  |  Awnings & Canopies, Features, Management, Perspective

Gary Buermann designs shop layout for efficiency. By Sigrid Tornquist “When you tour a big awning shop you can see what money can buy in terms of equipment, how much time it will save and what you might expect when your shop grows,” says Gary Buermann, MFC, president of G & J Awning and Canv…
Jim Carroll Jr. understands the cost of quality

June 1, 2012  |  Awnings & Canopies, Features, Management, Perspective

Jim Carroll Jr. knows how to make a premium product—and price it right. By Sigrid Tornquist “Being busy is one thing. Making money is another,” says Jim Carroll Jr., MFC, owner of Hoover Canvas Products Co., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. “So many people see neighboring businesses selling product for …